Weight Loss Treatment with the Zerona Laser: How Does it Work?
If you’re interested in body shaping but want to avoid surgery, the Zerona laser might be a great option for you. This procedure requires no surgery and no downtime while producing beautiful, long-lasting results.
What Is the Zerona Laser?
The Zerona laser is a nonsurgical, noninvasive treatment that uses low-level laser therapy to dissolve fat cells. The laser is applied to your skin in a series of painless procedures.
Zerona is ideal for anyone who:
- Wants to avoid liposuction or other surgical procedures.
- Needs a treatment that won’t keep them away from work or other activities for an extended time.
- Has several areas where they’d like to lose inches of fat.
- Wants an option for body contouring that is safe, quick and effective.
With the Zerona laser you can target specific areas where you’d like to see fat reduction or you can choose a full-body treatment. After the full run of treatments is completed, you’ll have a slimmer, firmer body.
How Does it Work?
Zerona uses laser therapy to penetrate through the skin and destroy fat cells. Once fat cells are destroyed, they can’t regrow. That means Zerona can offer permanent results.
It does this:
- without harming the skin or underlying tissue;
- in a simple, noninvasive treatment;
- with a procedure that requires no recovery or downtime.
What Does the Treatment Involve?
During the procedure, you will first lie on your back for 20 minutes while the doctor places the Zerona laser above your skin. The laser penetrates your fat cells and destroys them. After 20 minutes, you turn over to lie on your stomach so that the laser can target fat cells on your back area. Dissolved fat cells are naturally expelled by your body during normal bodily functions.
What Results Can You Expect from the Zerona Laser?
Most people who chose Zerona reported that they lost anywhere from three to nine inches from their belly, buttocks, thighs and other targeted areas. Some users found that repeated treatments gave them even better results. The number of procedures you need will depend on the results you get and your personal goals for how you want to look and feel.
Is Zerona a Good Option for You?
Zerona is an excellent option if you want a procedure that is safe, fast and works well to reduce small amounts of excess fat. It is also a good option if you’re exploring body contouring but don’t want to make the financial or time commitment to having surgery.
To learn more about Zerona and discover if it can help you get the body you want, contact SliMedica today to schedule your consultation! We are conveniently located in San Antonio, TX.