Promote Feminine Wellness with a Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment
It is only natural to want to maintain the appearance and function of our body for as long as possible. This desire extends to our most intimate parts, which is why vaginal rejuvenation treatment is becoming so popular. This term encompasses many different options out there, all with different pros and cons. The thing they all have in common is the ability to help treat the symptoms of vaginal laxity and other issues that arise with age and after giving birth.
How Does a Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Work?
Most of these treatments aim to improve the function of the vaginal and clitoral tissue by stimulating it to produce more collagen. As this happens, the area will become thicker and experience more blood flow. This can have a long list of benefits, including:
- Easier and more powerful orgasms
- Reduction or stopping or urinary incontinence
- Tighter vaginal opening
- Tighter vaginal canal
- Less (or no!) pain during intercourse
- Boosted intimacy with your partner
- More self-esteem in your intimate life
Who Is a Good Candidate for a Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment?
The first step in the process is to sit down at a consultation and discuss your medical history as well as any issues you are dealing with. This will help determine if you are a candidate for a vaginal rejuvenation treatment as well as which one would be most beneficial for you. These treatments are great for women who are wanting to take control of their intimate health. If you are someone wanting to tackle your symptoms head-on but do not want surgery, a non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation option may be right for you. Typically speaking, these treatments should be avoided by women who are currently pregnant.
In a lot of cases, these treatments are sought out by women who have given birth or who have reached menopause. Many women seek out the treatment in an attempt to stop stress urinary incontinence, the term for leakage when you cough, laugh, jump, etc. Finding out the other benefits of a vaginal rejuvenation treatment is often just the icing on the cake! Even if you are not experiencing incontinence and would simply like to increase your pleasure in the bedroom, you are likely a good candidate for one of these treatment options.
Our professional team at SliMedica in San Antonio would be happy to discuss the benefits of a vaginal rejuvenation treatment as well as your options. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!