Facial Services at SliMedica

Want to restore a youthful appearance to your face? A Vampire Facial might be the right choice for you. This quick procedure uses the platelets from your own blood to repair damaged skin. If you are looking for a natural way to add life back into your skin, ask about our Vampire Facials today!

How can I determine what areas of my face have the most damage?

Visia 3D Facial Analysis provides an in-depth facial analysis to help you determine which areas of your face have hidden damage. This advanced analysis is able to spot UV spots, textures, porphyrins, and more. After your 3D facial, you’ll receive personal recommendations to determine which facial procedures will benefit you.

How can I get some of the shape back in my lips and face?

Over time, skin loses its elasticity and can begin to sag or wrinkle. Facial fillers are a simple way to combat this. SliMedica uses Juvederm, Perlane and Restylane to inject or apply into the skin where folds and wrinkles exist. These injects add volume and helps restore the face’s youthful appearance.

How can I take years off of my skin?

If you are looking for a restorative, rejuvenated approach to skincare, a chemical peel may be right for you. After you schedule one of the three levels of our chemical peels, the product will be applied on you face to remove the damaged outer layers of your skin. About two days after the peel, a new layer of skin grows. This literally can remove years of blemishes and wrinkles off of your face.