How Does CoolTone Work?
CoolTone is a magnetic device that utilizes Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) to sculpt and tone your muscles. It is a noninvasive treatment that penetrates your skin and the layers of fat to get to the muscle layer. It was developed by Allergan, the leading medical aesthetic company and makers of CoolSculpting, Botox and Juvederm. Using MMS energy, CoolTone induces involuntary muscle contractions to produce more a toned and defined appearance in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and arms. While most muscle definition can be achieved through regular exercise, CoolTone also reaches muscle fibers that cannot, producing stronger and more defined muscles. The result is enhanced muscle conditioning, firmer abdomen, buttocks and thighs, and an overall more toned appearance.
The CoolTone Procedure
The treatment requires no anesthesia, no recovery time and is an in-office treatment that takes between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated. The CoolTone device sends energy into your body to contract your muscle tissue. An estimate of 25,000 muscle contractions can occur during your treatment. Your muscles adapt to the intensity and change to develop muscle tissue that leads to a more toned and contoured appearance. The intensity can be modified to be as low or high as you want but it is recommended for a moderate-high to high level for most noticeable results.
What Are The Benefits Of CoolTone?
There are many reasons why getting our CoolTone treatment will improve your body and your self-confidence::
- Enhances your abs & arms
- Lifts and tones buttocks
- Tightens your buttocks and upper legs
- Targets your abdomen, arm and leg muscles
- Increased physical ability
- Increased core strength for better posture and overall fitness
- No downtime
- Noninvasive
- Quick treatment – less than one hour
Does CoolTone Eliminate The Need For Regular Exercise?
CoolTone won’t replace the need for regular exercise but can be an excellent adjunct to working out. Many patients have seen their own abilities increase after treatments. Though not a cardiovascular exercise, patients have reported their stamina and overall performance in their regular cardio workouts have improved after treatment. Similarly, strength training workouts can improve as well after treatments.
CoolTone FAQ
Am I A Good Candidate For CoolTone?
Almost anyone in good physical health who eats well and exercises regularly is a good candidate for CoolTone. If you are physically active and have a low body fat percentage, you are an ideal candidate to get additional body contouring and more definition to the abs and buttocks.
Is CoolTone Really Effective?
Yes, the CoolTone device sends magnetic waves into your muscle and the nerve structures that stimulate contractions. It does not get into the fat.
Your normal exercise routine cannot provide the kind of stimulus required to trigger changes to your muscle fibers for maximum benefit.
What Areas Of The Body Does CoolTone Treat?
This innovative device, with its adaptive design, can be used on many areas of your body, including abdomen, arms, buttocks and thighs.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
During your consultation, you can go over all the details with our team. The majority of patients get four CoolTone treatments done initially, with one treatment every few months after to maintain their initial results. The length of each session will be determined by how many areas are being treated, but for reference, a typical abdomen session takes 30 minutes.
Is CoolTone Safe And Is There A Recovery Period?
CoolTone is a safe and FDA-approved treatment that is non-invasive. There is no recovery time required, but it may feel like you’ve gone through an intense workout. You will likely feel some very mile soreness after treatment that can last for a day after your session.
What Is The Difference Between CoolTone And CoolScultping?
CoolTone compliments the results you get from CoolSculpting. Once fat cells are destroyed and eliminated by CoolScultpting, CoolTone can then target your muscles to strengthen and tone them for further body contouring. Both techniques are non-surgical and can be done during the same session (beginning with CoolSculpting), for a maximum punch against fat and the ultimate redefining of your body. The dynamic duo treatment can transform your physique.
To learn more about how to get the best CoolTone treatment San Antonio has to offer, contact us today to schedule a consultation.